Colonoscopy Specialist
Robert M. Webman, MD
Primary Care Physician & Gastroenterologist located in Torrance, CA & San Pedro, CA
Dr. Robert Webman is a top-rated gastroenterologist and primary care physician with offices in the Hawthorne, Torrance and San Pedro, California regions. He also serves as Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. People tend to dread colonoscopy services, because they are not the most pleasant of experiences. That is why finding a physician certified in the procedure like Dr. Webman matters. As both a practitioner and an educator, he has access to cutting edge technology that improves the patient experience.
Colonoscopy Q & A
What is a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to see inside your intestinal tract. During the test, he will insert a flexible tube, the colonoscope, that carries a camera and light source.
With the colonoscopy, the doctor gets a live feed showing the inside of your rectum, colon and the end of your small intestine. The scope blows air to inflate the colon and improve the view. The exam takes less than a half hour to complete.
Why Do You Need a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a screening tool for colon cancer. Colorectal cancer causes over 50,000 deaths each year, according to the National Cancer Institute. Early detection offers the best chance of survival. It is recommended that everyone over the age of 50 be screened for the disease. African-Americans and American Indians are in the high risk group. Screening should start for them around at age 45.
How Do You Prep for a Colonoscopy?
The office staff will provide you with details to get ready for your colonoscopy. It is necessary to empty your colon in order to get a clear image of the intestinal lining. You will be asked to stop eating solid foods the day before the test. The doctor will prescribe a substance that triggers bowel movements to clear all matter out of the colon.
You may also drink an electrolyte-balanced solution in large quantities to aid in the process and keep you healthy during the preparation.
Plan to be home and near the bathroom the night before the procedure. You can expect to be indisposed during this time, so make arraignments for children or any dependants, as well.
Drink plenty of clear liquids. This can include water, broth, coffee, tea and even popsicles. If you take coffee or tea, do not add milk.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
We accept most PPO insurance plans. Below is a short list of the plans we accept. Please call our office with any questions.